Employee Spotlight: Alexis Sabloff

Each month, CDR features a spotlight of one of our employees. This month we are learning more about Alexis Sabloff, our Vice President of Arts and Cultural Accounts.
What is your favorite thing about working at CDR? Hands down, it’s the great people I work with on my teams!
What is your guilty pleasure? Bad reality TV (as in Real Housewives or Jersey Shore!)
Who do you donate to or volunteer with? We give to a range of causes from American Cancer Society and ASPCA to Children’s Hospital and World Wildlife Fund.
Describe yourself in five #Hashtags. To be honest, I never hashtag (I actually don’t get the people on Instagram who use multiple hashtags!). So, here’s my first attempt ever: #boymom, #yogaaddict, #dachshundmom, #lovethebeach, #addictedtoonlineshopping
Where was the last place you traveled (for fun or for work)? For fun we went to Chicago for a weekend to visit my brother and his family. For work, it was Philadelphia to visit my great clients at PMA!
Where is one city or country you would love to visit? Well I’ve already been there, but I’d love to go back to Italy. I’ve never been to the Amalfi Coast, and I’d also love to take my son there as he loves pasta and pizza!
What keeps you motivated? Wanting to do what’s right and best for my team, my clients and my family. Knowing that all of them are counting on me keeps me motivated and striving to do right by them every day.
What was your first job and what did it teach you? My first few jobs were in retail and the one that had the most impact on me was working for Nordstrom. They are a fantastic company with such a strong focus on customer service that has stayed with me throughout my career.
Keep calm and …? Practice yoga.
Tell us about your pets? We have a long haired miniature dachshund named Cookie. He’s 13 now and if you’ve known me at all these last 13 years, you know about Cookie ?.