Employee Spotlight: Chris Eyler

Each month, CDR features a spotlight of one of our employees. This month we are learning more about Chris Eyler, our Junior Network Administrator.
What is your favorite thing about working at CDR? Without a doubt, I’d have to say the people I work with. They make my position here at CDR so much more amazing.
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? That’s an easy one, pizza! You definitely can’t beat that, the flexibility in potential flavors and toppings are endless.
Where was the last place you traveled (for fun or for work)? The last place I traveled to was Madison, Indiana.
Where is one city or country you would love to visit? One city I would love to visit is one that I have already traveled to. Prague in Czech Republic. My time there was one like no other!
What keeps you motivated? The desire to better myself each day. I strive to continuously improve myself day by day.
Keep calm and …? Carry On because, nothing beats the original.
If you could be a super hero, which one would you be? I would have to definitely say Dr.Manhattan (although being a god is sort of cheating).
Past, present, or future, who would you like to have a conversation with? … why? William Shakespeare, I believe that he is the most influential author of all time! With Shakespeare being so influential, I know the conversation would be nothing short of interesting.
What is your dream car? One of the greatest beauties of all time, the McLaren F1!
What TV show would you be on if you could? I’d definitely star in Top Gear (The British 2002-2015 version)