Employee Spotlight: Sharron Johnson

Each month, CDR features a spotlight of one of our employees. This month we are learning more about Sharron Johnson, our Production Manager.
What is your favorite thing about working at CDR? A few of the most important people in my close circle of friends have been those I have met here at CDR. I’ve had the pleasure of spending my work days with some folks who were like family to me, and that makes direct mail a lot less painful.
What is your guilty pleasure? Every now and then, when I’m alone in my car on the highway, I’ll turn the volume up loud and listen to the explicit versions of various rap artists like the Migos, Drake, Travis Scott and more. Nope, it’s not Beyoncé or Prince, but sometimes when I’m hangry, I’m just not myself.
Who do you donate to or volunteer with? I started my own “drive by” homeless outreach several years ago where I give out snack bags to the homeless people along my route home in the city. I’ve met a lot of good people who have fallen on hard-times and just want to know that someone cares. They know when to expect me and I know where to find them outside of my route. I’m always blessed when I see a regular, whom I refer to as my friend, and I can put a smile on their face. My hope is to one day do this on a broader scale.
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Were it not for lactose intolerance, I’d have pizza and lots of it!
Describe yourself in five #Hashtags. #BeautyBrains&Boobage #ToweringDiscoInferno #ChillIGotThis #AllThingsGlitter #IAin’tNeverScurred
What keeps you motivated? I wake up each morning and am motivated to go out and see what good I can do in the world. I want to be a change agent and help people to live better lives, love one another, and be more positive. I know I drive people nuts with my in your face, “get it together” attitude. But love me or hate me, you can’t deny that I’m unforgettable and rather humorous while shaking you out of your blues.
What was your first job and what did it teach you? My first real job was at Agora Publishing as a Marketing Assistant. My boss at the time took me under her wing and taught me a valuable lesson about working smart, not hard. She stressed to me the value of being organized, on time and focusing on the right thing rather than making things more difficult for myself (eat the elephant one bite at a time). This was a life-long, smart lesson from an amazing person.
Keep calm and …? Embrace your inner bunny
Tell us about your pets? I have a 10-year-old Chinese Crested Yorkie Mix named Bella who is the absolute love of my life. She owns more coats, sweaters, pajamas and dresses than most adults do, and yes, she gets super excited to put them on. Her birthday is on Halloween, so she gets 2 costumes and a party with turkey meat cupcakes and mashed potato icing. Bella is the neighborhood socialite, and everybody knows her. Of course, they do!
What TV show would you be on if you could? I watch this nighttime soap called The Haves and Have Nots on OWN. The acting is bad, but I would love to be an overly dramatic character on this show.