Last-Minute Ideas for #GivingTuesday

Giving Tuesday is right around the corner! Whether you are looking for a few last-minute ideas to incorporate into your larger campaign plans or need some general advice on how to seize this great fundraising opportunity, here are six ways to make your #GivingTuesday a success:
1. Tell Your Story Everyone is going to ask for money on #GivingTuesday, so why should someone give to your organization? Because they connect with those in need of help. Share stories of people or animals impacted by your mission with your supporters to build a connection between them and your cause. Prime the pump: Use the power of social media to share these stories—post two or three stories the week of 11/19, and drive people to your website to learn more. In your posts, include a friendly reminder that #GivingTuesday is coming up to help raise awareness for the day. The more you make your supporters feel like they matter, the more successful you’ll be at getting them to choose your organization on #GivingTuesday!
2. Leverage Facebook Advertising Just before Thanksgiving, raise awareness for #GivingTuesday. At the same time, encourage people to donate ahead of the day by launching a Facebook ad that includes language like, “#GivingTuesday is right around the corner, but you don’t have to wait to [mission-related message]. Donate now to help us reach [goal]!” By starting your #GivingTuesday campaign earlier like this, you can stand out among your competitors. On the day of #GivingTuesday, promote at least two organic posts—one in the morning and one in the afternoon. In the first post, announce #GivingTuesday, highlight your goal, stress the urgency of the day, and include a donate link. The afternoon post should reaffirm the limited time to give and provide an update on the progress of your goal.
3. Facebook Fundraisers Facebook Fundraisers have proved to be wildly successful. While many people use them for their birthdays, launch your own special Facebook Fundraiser for #GivingTuesday. Set your goal and promote it organically on your page throughout the day. Remind people they only have 24 hours to help reach the goal and encourage them to give to your fundraiser.
By promoting it on your page throughout the day, supporters will get a real-time update on the progress of your goal. You can also increase the urgency language in your copy as the day ends. For example, your copy could be similar to “#GivingTuesday is almost over. You only have a FEW HOURS LEFT to help us meet our goal of $X! We’re so close and need your help to reach it before the midnight deadline! Don’t wait — please donate now.”
4. Capture Website Traffic Most organizations use a homepage modal or a lightbox on #GivingTuesday, but that might not be feasible in terms of design and build time. Instead, perhaps your organization could create a new hero image that launches on #GivingTuesday. While it’s not as prominent as a modal or lightbox, incorporating powerful imagery and copy as well as a donate button into your hero image could help capture organic site traffic.
5. Update Your Donation Form You’ve created your ads, social posts, a hero image, etc. for #GivingTuesday. Done? No! You will still need to update the donation form(s) you’ll be driving people to. Don’t lose potential donors because your form doesn’t align with your campaign. At the very least, include copy related to #GivingTuesday and your goal on the form.
6. Finally, Remember the Bigger Picture Don’t forget to thank your supporters (you can even include a soft ask to donate in your message). Whether it’s #GivingTuesday or any other time of year, thanking your supporters can go along way in terms of donor stewardship.
No matter what you do on #GivingTuesday, using any of these ideas can help make your presence known on one of the most important fundraising days of the year. You’ll also make your supporters feel like they’re a part of something bigger than themselves, which will undoubtedly help build long-term relationships and success.

Jessica Lee
Account Manager, Digital Media