CDR’s Coronavirus Response
I know this is a tough time for many of us. We've seen long hours, adjusted to working from home or in companies with fewer people. We know our work and the work of our clients is helping causes on the front lines of this crisis. So, thank you for all you do.
In the current rapidly evolving environment with COVID-19, aka coronavirus, we felt it was important to update you on the steps that CDR Fundraising Group and the Moore companies are taking to keep our employees safe and healthy and to protect our clients’ business. These efforts fall into three major categories:
- Risk mitigation if operations are impacted
- Prevention of the disease within our operations
- Monitoring and response as events change
Risk mitigation
Although this current health crisis is top of mind, our facilities have disaster recovery plans in place to deal with business interruptions due to natural disaster, power interruption or other such situations similar to this.
Moore, the parent company of CDR Fundraising Group, has 35 different companies—a national network of agencies and production facilities with business continuity plans already in place. We have eight different production locations in five different FEMA zones:
- Baltimore, MD: FEMA Zone 3
- Chicago, IL: FEMA Zone 5
- Frederick, MD: FEMA Zone 3
- Richmond, VA: FEMA Zone 3
- Riverside, CA: FEMA Zone 9
- St. Louis, MO: FEMA Zone 7
- Topeka, KS: FEMA Zone 7
- Tulsa, OK: FEMA Zone 6
In the case of a complete company shutdown, our network of companies and suppliers also allows us to move work quickly to another agency or operational plant, avoiding business interruption.
In the unlikely event that all eight Moore plants are affected, we have established partners with diverse geographic locations and a top-notch production management company in Production Solutions to fulfill jobs.
Moore has implemented a leadership response team that will provide enterprise direction in the event of such an emergency. Essential personnel for each type of task are equipped with computers, cell phones, and back-up generators to function in any contingency.
We know that nonprofits rely on a global supply chain for materials. We have been monitoring potential impacts regarding supply chain for the past month and have the necessary raw materials to fulfill business needs.
CDR Fundraising Group has moved to a work from home policy so we can continue to service our clients and the one’s they serve. The Moore enterprise is following the published advice of The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) for preventing workplace spread, including:
- Increasing the frequency and visibility of 60‒95%-alcohol hand sanitizers throughout our operations.
- Following the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Emerging Pathogen Policy for cleaning equipment and public spaces.
- Instituting enhanced cleanliness efforts for common surfaces and areas like doorknobs and workstations.
- Requiring all Moore facilities to wipe down equipment controls with effective disinfectants.
We are also educating our employees to prevent spread. We are using shift briefings, posters, and all-employee communications to encourage:
- Staying home when sick.
- Safe cough and sneeze protocols, including covering the mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Hand hygiene, including both 20-second-minimum handwashing and sanitizer use.
This training is all supplemental to our annual training every September that educates employees regarding what to do when a flu outbreak occurs. This training includes scenario roleplaying, so every Moore employee knows and is certified on how to handle a pandemic emergency response and how to prevent disease spread in the workplace.
We have and are deploying adequate stores of paper towels, soap, hand sanitizer, and tissues. We are encouraging extraordinary measures, asking our employees to:
- Minimize touching of other people, including handshaking.
- Avoid touching their faces.
- Maintain a three-foot radius from those who are coughing or sneezing.
We are also changing policies to accommodate safe behavior among our employees. For example, we are limiting travel as much as possible. We will do more meetings on Zoom or similar videoconferencing and teleconferencing software.
We are also temporarily adjusting time-off policies for employees to take care of themselves or family members. In the case of a CDC-warning-level threat, we will support working from home when possible, as we have already increased our network capacity to handle this as part of our business continuity planning.
As a global company, we have strong relationships in place with international, national and local authorities that we continually consult to evolve our plans.
We are also working with USPS Operations & Logistics to monitor potential “hotspots” that may affect delivery. This will ensure that mail is going to arrive on time, as well as help clients plan around any potential barriers. We also track deliverability in real-time to give us the option to redirect mail and production across the country as needed. We are among the first notified about USPS slowdowns and closures.
Our staff will also be monitoring business results to determine if there is any impact to fundraising, and, if there is, to work with our clients to minimize any disruptions.