Employee Spotlight: Pete Cline

Each month, CDR features a spotlight of one of our employees. This month we are learning more about Pete Cline, our Associate Director of Client Services.
What is your favorite thing about working at CDR? There’s a ton of things I like about working at CDR but, since I am being asked to drill down to one, I would have to say it’s the people. On a day in and day out basis, I am able to collaborate with some of the brightest, most creative and most passionate people I’ve ever met. And all of us, regardless of our role, are working to help make the world a better place. What could be better than that?
What is your guilty pleasure? ABBA. Dancing Queen in particular. When you hear Benny Andersson rolling his hands down the piano, from the high notes to the low, you better make way for me on the dance floor. “You can dance, you can dance, having the time of your life!”
Who do you donate to or volunteer with? I currently serve as an officer at Towson Elks Lodge #469 where I have been a member for over 8 years. Most of my volunteer hours are spent on lodge activities. Those mainly focus on youth and veterans’ programs. However, once a year I don my speedo and run into the frigid waters of the Chesapeake Bay as part of the Polar Bear Plunge to help support Special Olympics Maryland.
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? I spend quite a bit of time in Philadelphia these days, visiting my wife’s family, and the city has really grown on me. Mostly in the form of cheesesteaks. To the point where that would be the one meal I choose to eat for the rest of my life. Pat’s … Gino’s … Tony Luke’s … I don’t care, they’re all delicious in my eyes. As long as they’re served “Whiz, Wit” of course. And throw in a side of fries for good measure.
Describe yourself in five #Hashtags. #daddydaycare #alwaystrytoDIY #whereshappyhour #bleedpurple #idratherbereading
Where was the last place you traveled (for fun or for work)? The last place I travelled for fun was Pittsburgh, PA. A few buddies and I drove up for the Ravens-Steelers game. We do this same trip road every year, but this year was particularly fun as the Ravens not only won but won big.
Where is one city or country you would love to visit? I would love to visit Australia although it may have to wait until I retire as I’m told you need a good 3 weeks to see what you need to see. And, hey, maybe by then technology will have cut the plane ride to less than 24 hours.
What keeps you motivated? My motivation comes from my family. Obviously, I want to be able to provide for them but, more than that, I want to try and set a good example for my children in everything that I do. Working at CDR affords me the opportunity to provide for them and to do so by working with clients that are dedicated to improving lives. It’s a win-win.
Tell us about your pets? We have a cat named Buddy. We love him to pieces, but he really tries our patience with his frequent middle-of-the-night requests for food. My daughter has a pet Beta fish named, Poppy, but she might as well be mine as I do all the feeding and cleaning. So much for that lesson in responsibility!
What TV show would you be on if you could? Jeopardy! I love playing along at home—and usually fare pretty well, if I do say so—but it’s all about mastering the clicker when you are an on-air contestant. Or so I hear. Maybe one day I’ll get to find out for myself.